Denise Nicole Cooksey, affectionately known online as “Denyce Nikole” is a speaker, entrepreneur, and mentor.

She is a pioneer within the single mom community and she works to change the tone of the conversation around how single mothers are seen and see themselves around the world.

Based on her own transformation, from a frustrated single mom who was tired of being strong, to a successful wife with new babies, Babymama Makeover is a testament to the fact that, in her words:

“If I can let sh_t go, you can too!”

Denyce Nikole has shared as a lecturer and empowerment speaker to women in the United States, Japan, and Africa. Receiving her Bachelor of Science in Counseling from Point University she is now happily married to Jason Cooksey, her number one supporter, and business partner. 



Graduated high school with a partial scholarship to Temple and a desire to go into media, thinking I would study abroad at their campus in Japan and be the girl Spike Lee.


After a summer love, I found out I was pregnant during my first semester of school and was devastated. I moved back home, got a seasonal job and welcomed my first daughter in the world.


I attempted to go back to school prematurely and dealt with my summer love off and on, I got pregnant again, with my second daughter.


The scientific experiments taught me I needed to switch my variables if I wanted a different outcome, so when several attempts at relationships seemed to require sex and still failed, I decided to become a celibate single mom, hoping to attract and develop an actual emotional connection that wasn’t influenced by my body.


Graduated college with a degree in counseling and a desire to go into social work or family counseling, thinking it’d be a “cool” career choice, or like, a way to help people succeed in life.


Started feeling super unfulfilled by my full time job, even though I loved the industry, but really started to resent cramming my life into weekends, having only two weeks a year to travel, two days a week to really be with my daughters and hustling for a paycheck that was barely enough. I KNEW there was no way I could live this way for the next 40 years.


Attended 100 Life Goals Webinar by Shaun King and for the FIRST time really saw people start from nothing, take what they loved, and hustle to build an empire – and never stopping thinking about the fact that maybe I could do that too.


Decided to try my hand at working in network marketing, knowing so many OTHERS needed the help I could provide. Quit my job with only three clients, a whole lot of debt, and minimal saved – but I was sure that even if I had to knock on every door to get work, I would make it happen to be able to stay-at-home with my girls.


Continued multi-level marketing, and had a good run but being my own boss DEFINITELY wasn’t all that I imagined it would be. I burnt myself out sitting on my phone and computer 15 hours a day, promoted slower than I anticipated, and started to resent working on other people’s businesses FOR them.


Still felt I wanted to make a bigger impact – not to mention a bigger income. I knew I wanted to coach single moms, but I flailed about for months out of fear, and I overcomplicated EVERYTHING, not knowing what my next step should be.


I launched Babymama Makeover as a blog and immediately fell into the trap so many other single moms do – trying to follow formulas that didn’t necessarily feel good, chasing shiny objects and my teenage daughters, and ultimately, letting my business run ME, rather than the other way around.

NOW //

I’m proud to say this year I’ve decided to focus on building an audience and making an impact – rather than chasing sales. Started trusting myself more, felt into what I WANTED to do, rather than what I thought I was SUPPOSED to do.

NOW – My business and my life feels more authentic and like ME than ever before. I’m married. I’m passionate, confident, and calm. I’ve stepped into success with money, men and motherhood – and I’d love to help you get there too.